How to Use Room Color Psychology to Your Advantage

Did you know the color of the rooms in your home can affect your mood? Well, it’s true, and it’s called room color psychology! Your brain associates different colors with different emotions, so if you are looking for a relaxing vibe in your bedroom and a lively mood in your living room, read on.



Green is the most relaxing and restful color. It is associated with nature, like trees and grass, which has a calming effect on the brain. Green is the perfect color to use in your bedroom to promote relaxation, relieve stress, and encourage a restful night’s sleep. On the contrary, orange is a color to avoid for the bedroom because it contradicts the relaxing energy you want in the bedroom. 

Living Room

A living room is where you want light, playful, and happy energy. What embodies happiness and joy more than the color yellow? Yellow is associated with sunlight, which boosts vitamin D, in turn boosting serotonin which is known as the happy chemical. Use the color yellow in your living room to promote energy and happiness. 



There’s a reason why everyone knows at least one person with a beach-themed bathroom, and that’s because blue is the perfect color for the bathroom! Blue is a calming color, and using blue paint in your bathroom is soothing. Blue isn’t called the color of calm for no reason; it can lower blood pressure and slow respiration and heart rate! A color to avoid in the bathroom would be red because it can be overwhelming and too intense for a relaxing bubble bath. 

Exercise Room

The color of energy, orange, is the way to go for painting your home gym or exercise room. It also promotes activity which is ideal for this room. Orange encourages excitement and enthusiasm which will put you in the right mindset and make for a productive workout. 


The color purple is associated with sophistication and focus, so it is perfect for the office space where you are working. This is even more important in the world today because so many people are working from home. Use purple to encourage concentration in your home office. 



While the options for kitchen colors may seem limitless if you check Pinterest, you should steer clear of dark, dramatic colors like black and brown. These are too intense and sharp for a place that is supposed to be light, airy, and open. 

Need help finding the perfect interior paint colors for your home? Check out VNTG Home to see our amazing selection of paint!


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